The EPC2059 is a 6.8 mΩ, 170 V enhancement-mode gallium nitride (eGaN) transistor offering superior audio performance for high-end amplifier applications. The low on resistance and low capacitance of the EPC2059 enables high efficiency and lowers open loop impedance for low Transient Intermodulation Distortion (T-IMD). The fast-switching capability and zero reverse recovery charge enable higher output linearity and low cross over distortion for lower Total Harmonic Distortion (THD). By using the EPC2059 eGaN FET, innosonix was able to decrease the idle switching loss as the total gate charge was nearly reduced by half. The output capacitance only doubled for tripling the max drain voltage enabling innosonix to switch from a full-bridge to a half-bridge design, which also reduced component count costs. The low package inductance gives a clean switching waveform which leads to a nearly perfect switching voltage and, therefore, better linearity. This resulted in a reduction in harmonic distortion of almost 6dB and the subjective audio quality has improved audibly, to benefit customers.  If you want to learn more, read a report here. Our FAE team can show you even more technologically advanced products from EPC, we would be happy to inform you individually during a personal training.